Open Your Inner Doors!
Inner Journey sessions provide a much-expanded understanding of whatever challenge you are facing, as well as possible solutions.
When you come to see me for an Inner Journey session, you will be offered a comfy chair, a cup of tea, a blanket (and a teddy bear if you would like one :-), so dress comfortably.
All sessions are two hours in length and everything you share with me will be held in strict confidence. In most sessions, we will talk for about a half-hour as you describe the reason for your visit. You will then be invited to relax while I guide you through a gentle process, similar to light hypnosis, where you will be able to see and understand what is going on at a deeper level in your subconscious mind. You will access a source of higher wisdom, unique to you, which will shine a light on the issue you are dealing with. It will show you a higher perspective and illuminate solutions.
You will remain aware of everything that is going on in the room, while simultaneously becoming aware of what is happening inside you. You will be in control at all times, in comfort and safety, and can end the process at any time.
Sometimes one session is all that is needed to address a given issue. Other times, important aspects tangential to the issue appear, so you may choose to come back for another session in order to address these aspects.
Sometimes it’s clear that a whole other chapter of your life is waiting for you, in which case you may wish to participate in a longer term program to uncover that chapter.
My experience + your inner guidance = unique solutions
Email me at to arrange a free "30 Minutes to Greater Clarity" phone session