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The Inner Game of Joy

Expanding Your Life from the Inside Out

With Susan Letourneau


Are You a Woman Over 50 Who Feels Stuck?

Want to Move Forward Into a New Chapter in Your Life?

If you are like many women over 50, you feel stuck in some areas of your life, but have a strong feeling that there must be a way through the maze to a life which feels revived and renewed. Perhaps you feel stalled in your marriage or relationship, wanting it to be more vibrant and alive. Perhaps you feel stuck in your career, or at a crossroads, wondering whether you should retire, but not being sure what else you would do. Maybe you feel that you have a lot to give, but don't know who to give it to or where to put your energy.


Do you have a vague feeling that there is a lot more to life than what you have experienced so far, but you don't know how to find it or where to go next?

​ I guide women over 50 to connect with their spirit and incorporate it into their lives. In this expanded state, the meaning of your life becomes evident. A light is shone on your path which allows you to move beyond pain, overwhelm and obstacles, whether emotional, in a relationship or your career, so you can feel freer and joyful.


There is no "one size fits all" manual for life. Your path to joy and freedom is unique to you and it's never too late to find it. It has been inside you all along.


If you feel overwhelmed, frustrated or are living life through the rear view mirror instead of the windshield, thinking there isn't another chapter for you - think again! It's never too late!

I have been guiding women to gain insight into themselves, their lives and challenges since 1986. All of those years of experience can benefit you! I have a solid track record of opening internal doors where none were perceived before.


The journey to a life you will love is an inside job, so if you would like to get clear and get going, have a look further into this website for information and examples about how I work and how my work might benefit you. If it feels right to you, be sure to request a free "30 Minutes to Greater Clarity" phone session.

From The Blog

"Each of us is given a corner of the universe which is ours to transform. Our corner of the universe is our own life, our relationships, our work, our current circumstances, exactly as they are. Every situation we find ourselves in is an opportunity to teach love instead of fear."

~ Marianne Williamson ~


The journey to a life you will love is an inside job, so if you would like to gain clarity and move forward, have a look further into this website for information about how I work and how my work might benefit you. If it feels right to you, be sure to email me at to request a free "30 Minutes to Greater Clarity" phone or Skype session.

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